Control Hair Loss With These Helpful Tips
Hair loss can be very disturbing to any man or woman at any age. Aside from genetics, there may be many things you are doing that contribute to weaker hair that breaks easily and falls out. Look over the following tips and see how your hair might benefit from some simple changes in life.
1. Diet. Your hair will suffer from a poor diet, so it’s important to incorporate many healthy elements into your menu. Get plenty of vitamin A from carrots and pumpkins, vitamin C from citrus fruit and juice and vitamin E from wheat and nuts. Also, help your body absorb the vital nutrients by making Omega3 rich-foods a staple.
2. Exercise. Lack of physical activity can impact hair health considerably. Working out improves circulation, which is essential for a healthy scalp. It also improves digestion and that’s important for nutrient absorption. Even if you’re already a good weight, enjoy working out more to benefit hair production and retention.
3. Sleep habits. If you go to bed with hairspray, mousse or gel in your hair at night, stop! Harsh chemicals are damaging especially if you toss and turn. Rinse it all out and sleep with clean, dry hair every night. Also, make sure your pillow case doesn’t cause too much friction for your hair. Try sleeping on satin to be kinder to hair.
4. Dandruff. Although most people consider dandruff to simply be an unattractive embarrassment, it’s actually much more than that from a medical perspective and can contribute significantly to hair loss. Dandruff is a fungal infection that attacks the cells of the scalp. If you have dandruff and off-the-shelf products are not helping, get a prescription.
5. Blow-drying. Since hair is at its weakest when wet, avoid the use of any type of dryer. Get up earlier if you have to, in order to start holding onto more of your hair. Gently pat out excess moisture and leave the towel on your shoulders. Never brush wet hair as all kinds of breakage can occur.
6. Hormones. Hair loss can be attributed to imbalances within the body, particularly hormones. Many women complain of hair loss during pregnancy or menopause, but the problem could extend beyond those issues and be attributed to a thyroid condition. Talk to your doctor about hair loss if you suspect hormones are amiss.
7. Stress. Most doctors agree that stress is the leading cause of hair thinning and loss, among the other negative things it can do to a body. Try to find ways to relax and avoid worry. Join a yoga class and learn to channel stress both physically and mentally. Take walks and learn to breath better and put “fun” on your to-do list every day.
Hair loss can be devastating and in many cases you can do something about it. Adopt these healthier habits for stronger hair from root to tip. Talk to your doctor too, simply to eliminate any other medical causes for your hair loss. Take good care of your hair in every way possible. It will matter.